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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dog Crazy!

Hi everyone! I can't believe its Labor Day weekend already! My summer just flew by and that's probably because my oldest is now a freshman at University of Rochester. The move-in went well and he's all set with a great roommate and a very nice dorm room. I've mailed 2 packages already in less than 2 weeks! I miss him very much but I'm very happy about where he is and I know he's going to do well.

This photo is of me with my dog Shadow (the one looking away from the camera) and my parents' 2 chocolate lab puppies, Max & Sam. It was taken about a year ago when I went up for a visit. I thought it an appropriate photo for my surprise news...

I have added a new part time job to my busy schedule. This summer, I decided it was time to do something physical to keep in shape and try something new that I've never done before. Drum roll please..........I work at Club Pooche, a doggie day care and boarding facility. I have always loved dogs and this job is amazing! I have already begun to lose weight from the physical demands of the job and my family is already tired of all the stories I tell ;-). Its so much fun watching the antics of these dogs and getting to know their personalities! They are truly just like kids when it comes to monitoring their behavior but you also have to add the "pack mentality" factor. This means we supervise the dogs very closely to be sure there are no dog fights. This is where the learning comes in for me. I'm learning what signs to watch for and what preventative measures need to be in place to keep the peace.

I've included a link to the website if you're curious about what goes on. There's a great virtual tour video you can watch and adorable photos of all the dogs. I show it to everyone so they can visualize what I do. In addition, there is the daily computer work checking in the dogs when they arrive, ringing up merchandise and day care packages, booking boarding requests and collecting payments and more! I come home tired but satisfied that I've challenged myself and earned a little extra income to keep my boy in college! I work with a great group of people and its only 4 minutes away from home. In the afternoons, I continue with my Etsy shop and freelance design work.

I am currently gathering new inventory to list in my shop this month so please keep in touch. I am planning an auction on ebay as well and will keep you posted on the date. I hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing labor day weekend. Keep on treasure hunting!

1 comment:

  1. This is great news Kelley! You are going to lose a ton of weight. I had a friend do this once and after a couple of months I did not even recognize her. It is always fun working with animals. I will work with animals over humans any day! LOL! Great picture of you and the doggies. I love it!
