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Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Fun Turkey Project

Hi everyone! Today I'd like to share with you a fun project my son, Blake, made when he was in elementary school. This could be a fun activity at Thanksgiving to keep the younger ones busy or to make ahead. Blake's turkey is mounted on a poster board but it could be adapted so the turkey stands on his own. In case your curious, the slogan on his poster reads "Save the Turkeys, Eat Ham!" I think it was a persuasive writing assignment.

Blake used 2 different sized styrofoam balls and painted them brown to make the body. For the eyes, he used moveable doll eyes and glued them to the face. The hat, beak and mouth were cut from felt and the feet were shaped with pipe cleaners. The most fun was adding all the feathers and as you can see, my son wanted to use all the colors in the bag! A fun and simple project that could make a wonderful centerpiece for the kids table.

As for my shop on Etsy, Digital Scraps Etc., I have lots of great craft books including some Priscilla Hauser Tole Painting books. I hope you'll stop by and browse - there are lots of neat vintage items as well. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone! Halloween is just around the corner, so I thought I would show you some of the costumes I have made over the years for my children. But first, I want to show you a photo from my childhood. I remember Halloween always being lots of fun and the most important part was deciding who I was going to be. No matter who it was, my mom would make it happen. It was my mom who taught me how much fun there is in homemade costumes. And I am not a sewer!

In this photo, pictured from left to right, is my brother, Kyle, dressed as Farmer Brown, me dressed as a flapper, my sister, Kerry, the cowgirl, and last but not least, my baby sister, Keila, the army brat! We had such great fun dressing up and I couldn't wait to do the same with my children.

When searching for costume ideas, I would often check out Family Fun magazine. But, I think some of my best ideas were inspired by my sons' obsessions and discoveries. For example, one year, while we were up in New York celebrating family birthdays, we had lobster for dinner. My mother-in-law had picked out the biggest lobster she could find. My youngest son, Tyler, asked her if he could keep one of the claws. Well, needless to say, this became the inspiration to turn my son into a fishing net for Halloween. The hunt began and continued all summer.

I hit the jackpot when I found the ever-popular, singing fish mounted on a plaque. Remember those? Well, I rigged the plaque up in front of Tyler, camouflaged it by blue gauzy material, and then when he went up to people's houses, he would push the button for the fish to sing. Pretty cool, huh?! Its hard to tell in the photo, but there are several fish hanging in the net and a big crab on top. I don't remember what we used to support the whole thing but this costume was an especially tricky one. There were peep holes for my son to see and my husband went along as a safety guide.

This costume was great fun and everyone got a kick out of it. If you would like to hear the singing fish, click here.

Now, you may be wondering how I found all my materials. Well, I would scour all the local thrift stores, yard sales and junk shops in the months leading up to Halloween. This hunt was always the fun part for me and somehow, I always seemed to find just what I needed!

I kept the costumes from year to year which turned out to be a big help as the boys got older. They no longer wanted a whole costume outfit, it just wasn't cool! So, they would grab the ever reliable, green-haired mask and throw it together with whatever. Left, is a photo of Blake wearing the mask and part of the old swamp monster costume.

Below, is the original swamp monster costume, worn by Blake. He was in kindergarten at the time and we were living in Pittsburgh. I remember there were no street lights so my huband played safety guide again while I pushed Tyler in the stroller. This costume also came from family fun magazine and was fairly easy to make. I just love this magazine and gave my best friend and sister gift subscriptions. Its a wonderful resource for so many things but especially costume ideas.

Another fun costume was the Headless Butler. This one came from Family Fun magazine as well and was actually pretty easy to make. This photo of Tyler was taken when he was in elementary school. The children would dress up and parade around the school parking lot so parents could see all the costumes. I became quite famous over the years!

The pirate costume was inspired by the first Johnny Depp Pirate movie. I made the wig myself and added beads to it. The coat was a great find from a thrift store. It was covered in gold studs and came with a belt.

In this photo, left to right, Blake was Frankenstein, Tyler was a Ninja, and I was a ghost of sorts. This was taken the year we had a Halloween Party in our garage. We made a creepy fun house for kids to crawl through out front and we played some fun Halloween games. Lots of spooky fun!

These are just a few of all the costumes. One of these days, I'll get the rest scanned in and make a big collage. As for this Halloween, I will be handing out candy and checking out all the cool costumes. My boys are too old now for trick or treating and cute costumes. But not to worry, I plan on having a Halloween party for adults one of these years and costumes will be mandatory! I've already started mine :-)

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Little Red Wagon

Hi everyone! Today I have a cute photo from my childhood of my sister, Kerry, and me, playing with a very classic toy - the little red wagon. I'm sure many of you had one growing up. And you may even have had a little sister who wanted to follow you everywhere!

Well, toy wagons have been around since the 1800s but its the story of Antonio Pasin and the first "Radio Flyer Wagon" that I want to share with you. Born in Venice, Italy, Pasin came to New York City in 1913 and made his way doing odd jobs. Then in 1917, he crafted his first toy wagon, naming it Liberty Coaster, after being inspired by the Statue of Liberty. Wanting to craft more wagons, he started a small factory west of Chicago. It wasn't long before his business took off, receiving an order for 7,000 wagons.

Now Pasin never had a wagon growing up so he decided in 1927, that he would make a wagon affordable for every child. Using mass production techniques, Pasin created the first "Radio Flyer" wagon, the name having been inspired by his amazement of the radio and the wonders of flight. The following excerpt from Wikipedia tells the rest:

"He renamed his company the Radio Steel and Manufacturing Company in 1930. His company became the largest producer of toy wagons producing 1500 wagons a day despite the Great Depression. In 1933 the World Fair was coming to Chicago and Antonio had a bold idea...he risked major debt [despite the depression] and decided to build a 45 foot statue of a boy riding a wagon. Under the wagon there was a shop that sold miniature wagons for 25 cents. After that the company captured the country's attention and the modern Radio Flyer was born.

Amazing, huh?! I hope you enjoyed this little bit of trivia. I became curious about the little red wagon's history because I recently listed a vintage item in my shop, Digital Scraps Etc, featuring the little red wagon. This item is a neat novelty barware set that comes with 4 cute little red plastic wagons, each with enough room to hold a drink and a small snack. Click on this link for more details and photos: On the Wagon.

You never know what you're going to find when you go out treasure hunting! I wish you all well and good luck in your treasure hunts!


PS. Check out my auctions on eBay - Kelley's Odds & Ends for some more cool vintage stuff!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dog Crazy!

Hi everyone! I can't believe its Labor Day weekend already! My summer just flew by and that's probably because my oldest is now a freshman at University of Rochester. The move-in went well and he's all set with a great roommate and a very nice dorm room. I've mailed 2 packages already in less than 2 weeks! I miss him very much but I'm very happy about where he is and I know he's going to do well.

This photo is of me with my dog Shadow (the one looking away from the camera) and my parents' 2 chocolate lab puppies, Max & Sam. It was taken about a year ago when I went up for a visit. I thought it an appropriate photo for my surprise news...

I have added a new part time job to my busy schedule. This summer, I decided it was time to do something physical to keep in shape and try something new that I've never done before. Drum roll please..........I work at Club Pooche, a doggie day care and boarding facility. I have always loved dogs and this job is amazing! I have already begun to lose weight from the physical demands of the job and my family is already tired of all the stories I tell ;-). Its so much fun watching the antics of these dogs and getting to know their personalities! They are truly just like kids when it comes to monitoring their behavior but you also have to add the "pack mentality" factor. This means we supervise the dogs very closely to be sure there are no dog fights. This is where the learning comes in for me. I'm learning what signs to watch for and what preventative measures need to be in place to keep the peace.

I've included a link to the website if you're curious about what goes on. There's a great virtual tour video you can watch and adorable photos of all the dogs. I show it to everyone so they can visualize what I do. In addition, there is the daily computer work checking in the dogs when they arrive, ringing up merchandise and day care packages, booking boarding requests and collecting payments and more! I come home tired but satisfied that I've challenged myself and earned a little extra income to keep my boy in college! I work with a great group of people and its only 4 minutes away from home. In the afternoons, I continue with my Etsy shop and freelance design work.

I am currently gathering new inventory to list in my shop this month so please keep in touch. I am planning an auction on ebay as well and will keep you posted on the date. I hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing labor day weekend. Keep on treasure hunting!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Count your blessings

Hi everyone.

I've been away for awhile. Summer seems to mean less work, more play. In my case, it means more time with two teenage boys. Hopefully, you are busy as well enjoying your summer with loved ones and some much needed time off.

This past week I was reminded how blessed I am to have a healthy 17 year-old boy who has his whole life in front of him. Blake had to get his wisdom teeth out and when I met him in recovery, he was still loopy from the sedative. For a moment, he looked little precious little boy. I sat next to him while he laid on his side with a blanket and a mouth full of gauze. He was told to bite down on the guaze but my son insisted on trying to talk. Imagine trying to talk with your tongue between your front teeth!

Taking care of my son this past week during his recovery, reminded me that in the scope of things, we are very fortunate. In comparison, a child who has cancer, is fighting for her life or making the most of her time left. I met one of these brave young souls through a group called "Spirit Jump". A group that began with two cancer survivors who wanted to reach out to others fighting cancer and give them hope and strength with cards, gifts, and words of encouragement. Those needing their "spirits" lifted are the jumpees, and those who pass on these sentiments are the "spirit jumpers". 

Well, I am a proud Spirit Jumper now and that is how I came to meet Sammie Hartsfield. Sammie is a 9 year old girl who was diagnosed in 2006 with Osteosarcoma in her femur.  She has been through all possible treatments and unfortunately nothing else can be done. She is now on hospice care at home. When Spirit Jump heard about Sammie, they reached out to their jumpers, asking for volunteers to visit her Caringbridge web site to lift her spirits. 

I also met a woman named Jenny who has ovarian cancer and is currently in the hospital with a failing liver. Spirit Jump reached out again asking if anyone could visit Jenny or send her mail to her hospital address. What is unique about Jenny is that she doesn't get many visitors and so she's fighting her battle alone. 

All this brings back a bittersweet memory for me. One of my best friends from childhood was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 13 yrs old. At 15, she lost the battle and passed away. This loss affected my life very deeply. I remember her often and have shared her story with my children. When I read about Spirit Jump, I knew I could help make a difference.

All spirit jumps are sent via "snail mail" which really appeals to me. I have always been a pen pal of sorts. As a child, I wrote to my grandparents regularly and the habit just stuck with me. My grandparents are gone now but I have boxes full of letters to remember them by. My grandparents kept my letters as well so now I have those too. I cherish these memories and reflect fondly on how my grandpa always started his letters with the current weather report in Franklin, Maine where he lived.

When you send something to a jumpee, its not what you send that matters. The mission is to lift their spirits, to give them strength to face another day in their battle against cancer. So far, I have sent cards but I find it a creative challenge deciding what to send to let that person know I care about them. It may sound corny but Spirit Jump receives numerous emails and letters expressing their thanks and appreciation for so much kindness and compassion. These spirit jumps give the jumpees something to look forward to during the long, hard days.

If you would like to read more about this amazing organization, click here: "Spirit Jump". They welcome new jumpers every day and if you know of someone who can benefit from one of these jumps, then let them know that too. Until next time, enjoy your summer and keep on treasure hunting!

Here's a short video clip about Spirit Jump.  

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Fun Pillow Project!

Have you ever made pillow people? My sister and I made these one summer while visiting our Grandma. Isn't that always where the fun happens?! As you can see, you need a couple of old pillow cases, magic markers, overalls, long sleeved shirts and some kind of stuffing for the arms (tissue paper, newspaper, even socks! whatever you have on hand). Don't forget your camera! I was probably around 10 yrs old when we did this and I'm so glad to have a photo of this great memory.

To start, draw a funny face or your own face if you want, in pencil using only 2/3 of the pillow (you need to leave part of it blank to tuck in). Be sure and add details like hair, glasses, teeth, eyelashes, etc. It's up to you if you want to do the back as well, I think we skipped it in our excitement to put them on!

When you're finished with your pillow case, you'll need a little help putting everything on. First stuff the sleeves of the shirts, you may need rubberbands to hold stuffing in place. Now wrap the shirt around your waist - make sure the collar starts at your waist - and button it up as high as you can to keep it in place. Now pull up your overalls, tucking the shirt in and placing the cuffs in the pockets. It's been awhile since I've done this, so I'm not sure if you'll need a few safety pins to help hold everything'll have to experiment. It looks like we stuffed the bib area as well.

Now for the real trick! Fold your arms over your head and let your helper pull your pillowcase over your head and tuck it in to your shirt. Now you're ready to have your photo taken! And maybe add some video too! Your arms will get tired so make sure your cameras are ready before you start. I would love to see what you come up with if you try this so please send me your photos and I'll post them!

Have a great day and keep on treasure hunting!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Not just man's best friend!

Hi everyone. Instead of a mystery item today, I would like to introduce my dog, Shadow. She is my daily connection with reality. We got Shadow from a rescue group for German Short-Haired Pointers. Turns out that many pure breeds who end up in shelters don't get adopted. People are concerned that there may be something wrong with them to end up in a shelter. "Too good to be true" scenario? I don't have any statistics for you but there are many rescue groups today who are formed specifically for a certain breed in order to rescue these dogs from euthanasia.

Shadow was about 4 years old we think when we adopted her from the rescue group. Just one year prior to this, she was found wandering through a neighbor's yard, pregnant with no identification. I believe she had about 10 or 12 puppies! The family that found her couldn't keep her so they contacted the rescue group. We found her adoption notice online and it was love at first sight!

Shadow is mostly liver-colored but she has a beautiful spotted chest as well as 2 spotted paws. She is very mellow, maybe because of all those puppies! She loves to go for car rides, wrestle with her kong (dog toy that holds treats), take long walks with a dip in the creek, dancing in the grass (just picture someone doing the twist while laying down on their back!) and long, quiet naps in our queen sized bed.

As for dislikes, she hates thunderstorms, cameras, electronic beeps, male radio voices, fire (ie. candles or grill), sirens, crowds and even too much company. If any of these items are present, Shadow retreats quickly to our bed or in the case of storms, she comes to me and tries to hide under my feet. Very difficult if I'm standing.

Now you may be wondering how did I manage to get such a great photo if she's afraid of cameras? Well, I must confess, I was pretty sneaky about it. First I took her for a long walk (exercise per the dog whisperer's motto!), then I put her in the car and took her with me to get gas. When I took out the camera, she turned away, towards the window . The window was already down so I quickly put my camera behind my back, walked to her side of the car, pulled out the camera and took the picture! As for her great smile, it was hot and she was panting from the exercise. Perfect!!

So if anyone else has a camera shy dog, you now have a strategy to catch at least one great photo. I'm including my other photos that led up to this great one so you can see what I went through. I should say that despite all her quirks, Shadow is a very loved member of our family and I would be lost without her. I have 2 boys and a husband so Shadow and I are the only girls and we must stick together! I seek out her soft ears every day as a way to calm myself and de-stress. They are so soft! Shadow however, prefers a good belly rub and she gets lots of them from all of us. When I have a bad headache, we cuddle up in bed together and I stroke her soft belly until I fall asleep. When I wake up, my headache is usually gone and Shadow is curled up in a ball at the foot of the bed. She prefers to sleep alone but somehow she always seems to wait until I'm asleep. As I said, she's the sweetest dog!

As for Shadow's social skills, she has no patience for other dogs. Its not hopeless though, because she has a couple dog friends. We are big fans of the Dog Whisperer and practice Cesar's techniques on every walk. Exercise, Discipline, Affection! If you've never tuned in, his show is on Friday Nights on the National Geographic Channel. Not only do you learn a lot, but you get to watch Cesar impersonate a dog! He's very convincing.

As I close this post, Shadow is curled up on the couch - opposite end from where my husband's sitting, snoozing peacefully. Good night my furry friend! And to all of you, have a wonderful weekend and keep on treasure hunting!

[One other trick, aim at the sideview mirror!]

Friday, June 12, 2009

Today's Mystery Item

Hi everyone! I have a new mystery item today. And, as you know, I love finding treasure but what I don't like is finding something I can't identify. While you're here, I hope you will check out my previous mystery items as well. When I do find an answer, I always post a followup. Thanks for visiting!

Today's mystery item is a pretty funky looking character. This figure is 2¼" tall and is made of hard plastic. He has no markings but he is kind of cute. If you recognize this figure or have any information as to its origin, please leave a comment. I would appreciate it. Until next time, keep on treasure hunting!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another mystery item solved!

Hi everyone.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, work has been busy! Today I received information on one of the mystery items I posted awhile ago. To refresh your memory, here is the post I published describing the pin followed by the found information.

Today I have a possible military pin, maybe from World War II? This pin has a white enamel crest with a deep blue diagonal cross imprinted with a tiny fleur de lis pattern. There is a curved banner under the crest with the slogan "To The Last Man". Pin is approximately 1-1/8" high with a regular pin back with locking mechanism.

Now, here's the solution. This information was taken from the following website:

103rd Infantry Regiment. Maine National Guard.

Originally approved on July 14,1924 for the 103d Infantry. The shield background is white for Infantry, the blue saltire represents Civil War service (North), and the eight fleurs-de-lis, World War I service in France. Motto on banner reads "To The Last Man". The original 103rd Infantry of 1941 had many companies where commands would be given in French.
Campaigns: Guadalcanal, Northern Solomons, New Guinea and Luzon; arrived in Japan for occupation duty 13 Sept 1945.
The 103rd crest was redesignated in 1959 for the 103rd Armored Cavalry, in 1961 for the 20th Armor, and in 1968 to the 133rd Eng. Bn.

Well, that's all for now. I will post another mystery item, tomorrow. Until then, happy treasure hunting!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today's Mystery Item

Hi everyone! I have a new mystery item today. And, as you know, I love finding treasure but what I don't like is finding something I can't identify. While you're here, I hope you will check out my previous mystery items as well. We do have an answer on one of the pins as you will see in a previous post. Anyway, please read on and leave a comment. Thank you!
Today's mystery item is this neat looking woodsman holding an axe. This figure is 4-3/4" tall and is made of vinyl and plastic. His arms and head are jointed and he is marked ©CPC 82 HK. I believe the "82" stands for 1982, the year he was made. HK is probably Hong Kong. CPC may be Columbia Pictures Corp. which means he may be some character from an animated film. I thought he might be Cornelius from the movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys, but Cornelius had a beard. 

If you recognize this figure or have any information as to its origin, please contact me. I would appreciate it. Until next time, keep on treasure hunting!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wow! My First Blog Award!!

A great big thank you to Sue for the Kreative Blogger Award! You inspire me to keep on blogging and keep on educating myself about the whole process. Visiting your blog also makes me want to pull out my scrapbooking stuff. Check out Sue's blog, Crafting with Sue, for creative card making ideas.

Here are the RULES of this Award:
(1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
(2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
(3) Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
(4) Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
(5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.(6) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
(7) Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

To follow the rules of this award, I am choosing the following blogs to receive this award...

Seven things about me that people might find interesting...

1) I just celebrated my 21st wedding anniversary! My hubbie is my best friend and my soul mate, and together we have raised 2 wonderful boys. This is an older photo - not current - but one of my favorite family shots.

2) I am a graphic designer specializing in print. Although most graphic designers today use a mac, I started out using an old compugraphic typesetter where you had to punch in codes for your type size, typeface, etc. then print out the galleys and cut & paste your layout. I can't imagine doing it that way today!

3) I love miniatures and have a 6 ft. long memory box (its only 12" high) filled with mini treasures! A great conversation piece.

4) I have a beta fish named Rocky who I love to watch. Its my form of meditation.

5) I am a certified scuba diver. My husband promised to take me to Hawaii for our honeymoon if I got certified. Couldn't say no to that challenge!

6) My nickname was queenie growing up because I'm bossy!

7) I love creating halloween costumes and have made almost every costume my boys have worn over the years.

Well that was fun! I will try to add photos to this post tomorrow - I think they add so much character and fun to these statements.  Until next time, have fun treasure hunting! FYI - Since I didn't post a mystery item today, I will add one this weekend.

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Mystery Item!

Hi everyone! I have a new mystery item today. And, as you know, I love finding treasure but what I don't like is finding something I can't identify. So, each friday, I write about one of these mystery items in hopes that one of you may be familiar with it and can enlighten me.

While you're here, I hope you will check out my previous mystery items as well. We do have an answer on one of the pins as you will see in a previous post. Anyway, please read on and leave a comment. Thank you!

Today's mystery item is a set of cavemen-looking characters. They are about 3½" tall and made of vinyl. These funky looking men are jointed at the head and marked ©1987 M.T.C. I suspect the cavemen and dinosaur may go together since they have the same markings.

If you recognize these cave men or have any information as to their origin, please contact me. I would appreciate it. Until next time, keep on treasure hunting!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My son graduated!

Hi everyone.  It's been awhile since I posted last. But I have a good excuse, I think. My oldest son graduated high school yesterday. Here's a picture of how he we all feel! We had a wonderful day and we're so proud of him. He will be attending University of Rochester in the fall. I plan to soak up as much time as I can with him this summer and prepare myself for the transition.

If anyone would like to share their experience of having a child go off to college, please share it here. I would love to read your comments!

I will post another mystery item tomorrow but meanwhile, this is just a quick post to let you know I will be back to posting regularly again starting tomorrow.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Mystery Item!

Hi everyone! I have a new mystery item today. And, as you know, I love finding treasure but what I don't like is finding something I can't identify. So, each friday, I write about one of these mystery items in hopes that one of you may be familiar with it and can enlighten me.

While you're here, I hope you will check out my previous mystery items as well. We do have an answer on one of the pins as you will see in a previous post. Anyway, please read on and leave a comment. Thank you!

Today's mystery item is a vinyl dinosaur, about 5" long and marked  ©1987 M.T.C. You can see by the photo that he's adorable with those bulging eyes and wonderful colors and patterns. 

If you recognize this dinosuar or have any information as to its origin, please contact me. I would appreciate it. Until next time, keep on treasure hunting!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hi everyone! This is a follow-up to my baseball post. My sister gave me permission to share this adorable montage video of my nephew. Watch this and you'll see what I mean about his obsession with baseball. His creativity in procuring a catcher's mask was always amusing and impressive. 

When he puts the mask to his face and pretends to blow his nose, he's imitating a scene from an animated movie my mother gave him. The movie is entitled, "Everyone's Hero",  a wonderful, rated G family movie about Babe Ruth's bat. It was directed by Christopher Reeve, Colin Brady and Dan St. Pierre. A wonderful cast of celebrities lend their talent and voices to this adorable animated feature including:  Whoopie Goldberg, Robin Williams, William Macy, Rob Reiner, Dana Reeve, Brian Dennehy and more! I've provided the link above (just click on the name of the movie) in case you have a little one who loves baseball. I give it 4 out of 4 stars!

Enjoy the video! And please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Mystery Solved!

Hi everyone. I have some information on one of the pins I posted on one of my Mystery Days. Turns out, this pin comes from a private school in Brooklyn, New York called Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School. Its a coed school and Roman Catholic affiliated, serving 868 students in grades 9-12. This pin is from the late 1950s or 60s.

Thank you Melissa for the information, I appreciate it! 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Take me out to the Ballgame!

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend! We got caught in a thunder storm sat. night but otherwise it was a quiet weekend for me.

In honor of spring and baseball season, I have some great baseball souvenirs in my shop this week and with Father's Day just around the corner, this may be the perfect gift. First is a key chain commemorating the opening day of the St. Lucie County Stadium in Florida. The key chain is a dark bronze colored metal ticket of the Mets vs. Dodgers opening day game on March 5, 1988. A great piece of nostalgia for the baseball fan or even Port St. Lucie resident!

My sister happens to live in Port St. Lucie and her family has been to many a game at Tradition Field, the Official Spring Training Headquarters for the NY Mets. From the moment their son was born, he was wearing a baseball cap on his head and a glove on his hand! I kid you not, this tyke is very serious about baseball. He turns 4 this summer and can sing "Take me out to the ballgame" better than me! My sons have enjoyed baseball games down there as well, especially when there is a fireworks show. 

I am including a link to the St. Lucie Mets website for you. I found a great photo on their website of the stadium. They offer it as a wallpaper but I've reduced it here for my blog. If you would like this photo for your desktop, you can go the the website, click on "Tradition Field" and you'll see wallpapers - its a free download. They have a few choices but I just loved this one, what a great shot!

As I mentioned, I have a few vintage baseball souvenirs this week. The other 2 items are a Milwaukee Brewers/Maxwell House Coffee Mug and a Ges-Line Phillies Baseball Drink Serving Tray. The mug has the team logo on one side and the Maxwell House Coffee logo on the other. Its made by Dawn, Passaic, NJ.  The tray has 6 spaces to hold drinks and is decorated with the Phillies logo and a picture of the stadium in the center. Its marked Ges-Line Made in USA.

Update:  I missed posting a mystery item last friday but not to worry! I will have one later this week so please stay tuned.  Have a great week!