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Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Fun Turkey Project

Hi everyone! Today I'd like to share with you a fun project my son, Blake, made when he was in elementary school. This could be a fun activity at Thanksgiving to keep the younger ones busy or to make ahead. Blake's turkey is mounted on a poster board but it could be adapted so the turkey stands on his own. In case your curious, the slogan on his poster reads "Save the Turkeys, Eat Ham!" I think it was a persuasive writing assignment.

Blake used 2 different sized styrofoam balls and painted them brown to make the body. For the eyes, he used moveable doll eyes and glued them to the face. The hat, beak and mouth were cut from felt and the feet were shaped with pipe cleaners. The most fun was adding all the feathers and as you can see, my son wanted to use all the colors in the bag! A fun and simple project that could make a wonderful centerpiece for the kids table.

As for my shop on Etsy, Digital Scraps Etc., I have lots of great craft books including some Priscilla Hauser Tole Painting books. I hope you'll stop by and browse - there are lots of neat vintage items as well. Happy Holidays!


  1. Wow, I LOVE it! Jake is certainly very talented!

  2. Happy New Year Kelley! All the best for 2010!

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